Amateur radio: Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

There’s only about one opportunity a month within a half-hour one-way drive to take an amateur radio exam around here.  Combined with wanting to take the studying seriously, it took a while for me to get around to taking my Element 4 exam to upgrade to Extra.  But, Saturday morning that finally happened!As usual, I over-prepared and that made the exam fairly straightforward.  I missed 3 questions out of 50, and that was out of about a half-dozen answers I wasn’t sure about.  But, when I started studying I was at around 50%, so the studying was essential.  I could have studied a lot less and hit the required 74%, but better to be sure.  Even though I simply memorized some of the answers, I did learn a few things that will come in handy at some point.  Now with full privileges, we’ll see if it helps me work more DX, more stations in contests, etc.

1 thought on “Amateur radio: Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

  1. truthspew

    Congratulations on the upgrade. In my case I had to do my element 4 and element 1C way back when.

    Studying involved drilling on the question pool for element 4. And having done the Advanced license I understood the theory so that made it easier.



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